Alexander Small © 1998 - 2025 all rights reserved

Trooping The Other - 2011

Video Projection


My work investigates the Dionysian and the Absurd and this video shows a marching band with troop marching round a roundabout whilst playing the theme tune ‘Those magnificent men in their flying machines.’ The original footage is unadulterated only being looped, multiplied and mirrored formally making the shape of an infinity loop from the path of the march.

The piece has a beautiful futility, the music jovial and triumphant becoming inane and never ending, the visual sequence absurdly inverted forming the infinity loop a symbol of feed back and noise. An act originally derived from the carnival and militarized to serve a definitive purpose this march has been reclaimed.



Trooping the Other Installation Camberwell (only one screen in actual installation)


Future Map 11, Zabludowicz Collection

12 January - 5 February 2012